
About Me
A New You

A couple of years ago, I noticed a bump growing on my face. At first, I didn’t worry about this development. I assumed the bump would eventually go away on its own. Unfortunately, the lump on my face continued to grow. Because it was close to my right eye, I decided to make an appointment with a local dermatologist. This kind, experienced physician informed me that the bump on my face was actually a harmless cyst. With a small tool, she expertly removed the cyst from my face. The procedure was relatively painless. On this blog, I hope you will discover some pain free solutions dermatologists use to improve people’s facial appearances. Enjoy!


Prepare For Mohs Surgery

10 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It can be a scary thing to get diagnosed with skin cancer. There are over 5.4 million cases of skin cancer that affect approximately 3.3 million people per year. The shear number of cases of skin cancer has allowed for developments in the treating of skin cancer. One of the most common surgeries that a person can have is Mohs Surgery. This is a practice where your dermatologist is going to take a razor and slowly cut layers of the cancerous tissue away. Read More …

5 Tips For Controlling Acne

21 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Whether it's due to hormonal fluctuations or the food you eat, getting acne breakouts can make you feel less confident about your appearance. If you break out often, you might feel ashamed or embarrassed to show your bare skin in public. However, if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes, you can achieve clearer skin. Here are five helpful tips for controlling acne: Avoid Touching Your Face Touching your face throughout the day might seem like a harmless habit, but it's actually pretty harmful for your skin. Read More …

3 Dermatologist Tips For Dealing With Acne

6 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Acne is generally going to be something that no one necessarily wants to deal with, but it is something that a lot of people have to deal with at some point in time. However, just because you have acne doesn't mean that there is nothing that you can do to treat it. One great way to help deal with your acne is to talk with your dermatologist. They are going to have a very in-depth knowledge of acne, and will know exactly how to help you treat it. Read More …

The Fight Against Aging: How To Prevent Wrinkles And Deal With Urinary Incontinence

2 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are getting older, you may be interested in finding different ways to not only look younger, but to feel younger, too. There are a lot of different things you can do to start feeling younger than ever, especially if you do not like the idea of aging, regardless of how old you are right now. Tighten Your Skin With an Anti-Aging Mask If you have spotted a few wrinkles and are worried that you will start to see more wrinkles and lines as the months pass, you may want to start taking action now to fight those lines and wrinkles from appearing. Read More …